Friday, February 01, 2008

Project Server 2007 - Custom Web Parts - SimpleUI

Project Server 2007 uses Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 pages and simplifies SimpleUI. For example, the following URL hides all navigation and title bars in the Home page in Project Web Access.


Table 1 shows the 32 possible values and effects of SimpleUI, from 0 - 31. Because SimpleUI is a bitmask, values over 31 have no effect. The navigation parts of a default Windows SharePoint Services page are defined in the master page. The Project Web Access master page includes the following elements.

• Breadcrumb Bar The top bar in the page. Setting SimpleUI=1 hides the breadcrumb bar. In Project Web Access, the Breadcrumb bar includes the Project Web Access link to the Home page, a Welcome drop-down menu, and the Help button. There are no breadcrumbs (links that show the parent pages) in Project Web Access.

• Title Bar Shows the Microsoft Office Project Web Access logo. Setting SimpleUI=2 hides the title bar.

• Top Link Bar Shows the Home tab and the Site Actions drop-down menu. Setting SimpleUI=4 hides the top link bar.

• Quick Launch The left navigation pane has links to other parts of Project Web Access. Setting SimpleUI=8 hides the Quick Launch.

The page shows all elements for SimpleUI=16. The SimpleUI values of 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 are additive. A SimpleUI setting greater than 0 is persisted as a cookie on the local user's computer. SimpleUI applies globally to the Project Web Access pages, but not to other Windows SharePoint Services sites that do not have Project Server provisioning. After you set a SimpleUI value of 1 through 31 on one page in Project Web Access, all of the pages have the same elements removed and you no longer see the SimpleUI option in other pages. To return to the default view, add ?SimpleUI=16 to any Project Web Access page URL. You can temporarily show all page elements by setting impleUI=0.


Ravisat said...

Nice Article. Was looking for something like this to customize the Project Server deployment that we have here.


Anonymous said...

This procedure like any other relating to migration is really crippled by the lack of the ability to perform the most basic parts of server provisioning. I’ve been part of businesses who have tried to migrate to new networks or even systems and the majority have failed without the ability to do provisioning.